Friday, August 17, 2007

wahaha...junyang's a year older again!!!
lolz..this year is his 26th bday!!!
*yipee...more mature le ba?
well now he's in taipei...
hmm...mebe preparing his next album?!
wa...SUPER long nv c him le..
haha..after my As, i muz support him fully manx!!!

dozing off at 11:40 PM

Saturday, August 11, 2007

wahaha....super slack wk manx..lolz..get to wear hm clothes to sch!!!
hey..our 1st "full" class photo..
haha..finally nizar in e pic alrdy..
quite hard to get him in e pic ah?!
all gals n 1 BOY!!!!
lolz..had a real crazy wk manx..
tues get to wear hm clothes..*super short day!
wed gt national day celebration at nite!
..after tt even hang ard at white tange till 11plus..
tink i'll realli miss this class quite a bit ah..
all so sweet n nice..
the times that we were tgt as a class..
the times that we hang out w our clique..
the times when everyone studied for e exam n sit 4 it in e hall..
the times that we waited 4 our PW n CHI results to be out...
be it sweet-sour-bitter...all e memories will stay w me...
all e best my frenz...muz always stay in contact k???

dozing off at 1:41 PM

name: adeline
19.but single.;p
got into uni.but life isn't easy
