Tuesday, December 25, 2007

hmm..this year's x'mas seem quite boring for me sia..
in e past, dere's always a party or sth..
but now, NONE...so BORING..
DEC is coming to an end..
nw i've gotta decide whether i shld go find another job or stick to e current one..
sihui seems firm abt leaving this job alrdy..
haiz..if she leaves, i'm den scared tt e OLD PEOPLE dere wld bully me manx..
*confused..still can't come to an ans yet...HOW???
i was oso tinking of finding another job tt is of higher pay...shorter working hour sort...
but presently, it seems difficult huh?>>
tink i'll con't to ponder as i take a step den..
oya...this sat is ting's b'day party..
planning to go w sihui after work...
wahaha...heard tt POLAR BEAR oso gt go sia...lolz..

dozing off at 10:23 PM

Saturday, December 15, 2007

wa..2wks nv blog le..tt's long..
guess wad i'm busy w?
hoho...found a job at clarke quay..*finally
dealing w e tourists sort..
aiyo..BUT is work w sihui ah..lolz..
can imagine seeing sihui almost everyday?..jkjk..
haha..actually my work can be quite slack..
but when dere is tourists, den can be REAL busy..
when i 1st start working, business veri gd ah..
BUT when trying to communicate...haiz..COMMUNICATION ERROR..
haha..tune wrong channel ah...
anw, generally...currently...quite perfect still..
but still, it's real tiring though..
my world seems to be revolving round WORK..
life is indeed BORING!~!!
can't wait to get my salary n den...hoho..go on SHOPPING SPREE!!!!

dozing off at 5:36 PM

Saturday, December 01, 2007

wahaha..juz came back frm our class chalet..
hee..generally quite fun manx..
hmm..but nt e whole class turn up..
lolz..but at least dere r some who still turn up..
wa..dere r even ppl who gif LAME excuses to nt turn up...haiz.
it's juz a small class chalet..nth much ma..
dun wan come den juz say la..

we stayed in a bungalow sort..wa..big sia..
hee..at nite,we slept tgt in e master bedrm..
hmm..but those 2 nites, i cldn't realli slp ah..
pillow too hard..can't realli adapt..

though it's juz a few days..but somehow gt e feeling of "home"...
but tink e hse too big...den we gt too few ppl le..
seems a bit empty..hee..
but e 2nd nite's dinner still ok la..
but tink e pasta tt i made was a disappointment..
haha..but it's e process tt matters huh?
most of us were each busy making different dishes in e kitchen..
end up eating at 9plus..
hee..after tt dere were some who washed up e dishes..
at e end of e chalet, i was quite dead beat..
slept e whole day yest..lolz..hope we'll have this sort of chalet at least once a year huh?

dozing off at 4:47 PM

name: adeline
19.but single.;p
got into uni.but life isn't easy
