Wednesday, January 30, 2008

last wk was a busy wk..
nt much breaks...
schedules tightly packed..
hee..but nw..quite slack...

yest met up w xiao han han..lolz..
went shopping..
planning to get her CNY clothes..
haiz..but i end up "shopping" too..
..xhh onli bought a new dress n a ring..
hee..i bought lots more..
die la..becomin more spendthrift..

dozing off at 10:51 AM

Monday, January 28, 2008

i seem to be getting nearer to e adults' COMPLICATED world..
been taking up 2 jobs a wk so far..
seems to hv grown up somehow..
seems to be quite tired of working...
seems to be tired of e adults' life...
everything seems to be in a circle..
waking up early in e morning..
getting ready for work..
come back frm work..
eat n slp..
life can't go on like tt???
but it seems tt this is e boring adult's life???
DULL may be e rite word to describe their life...

the adults' world seems so fake..
nth seems real..
u may tink tt one may be nice to u in some ways..
but things may nv turn out the way u tink it shld be..
even if one may be unhappy w u...
no words revealed tt..

after taking up e job as a teacher..
i finally realised e hardship of teachers..
trying to keep us quiet..
trying to please us in some ways..
trying to make us concentrate..
trying to make lesson interesting...
TEACHERS..u r noble manx..

dozing off at 6:50 PM

Sunday, January 06, 2008

hoho...juz gt my salary yest..
worked for abt 1mth le..
hee..made new frenz..desmond(my present godbro) n xiao hui(a guy too..)
..fun w dem ard..
haha..even "fight" w xiao hui often sia..
this xiao hui whole day bully me sia..tease me!!!
hmm..when to rebond my hair today..*yippee...
effect not too bad too...
wondering y i suddenly go rebond???
aiyo..this stupid desmond la..
say i seems "like" auntie like tt...*heartbroken...
he den seems like an "uncle"...*bleahx..
anw,mebe it's den time to change my hairstyle somewad ma..
hee...now tt i've rebond my hair..
mebe after some times, it's time for some highlighting le...*yeah...

dozing off at 7:57 PM

name: adeline
19.but single.;p
got into uni.but life isn't easy
