Tuesday, December 30, 2008

wahaha.my fav character?!..
he's nt realli gd-looking..
but kind of attractive..
in the movie la.
he looks kind of weird n COMICAL when nt in e movie.lol.

he's JAMES..(in TWILIGHT)...
wad do U tink???..
some tink he's HOT..
haha..different preference..
do u tink he looks a bit like BECKHAM frm FAR?...
lol..tink coz of his hairstyle?!..

looks much beta in REALITY than in e show.
coz in e show, he seems a bit "dirty"?!.. =p
but tink he's quite good-looking too..

hey.********AINT *********she pretty?..
dun she look kind of familiar?..
lol.she acted in TWILIGHT as BELLA's frenz--JESSICA (if i nt wrong!)..
haha..tink she's kinda sweet..

P.S.:...gd gd gd gd frenz..wait for me manx..
hee..i'm gona finish my last bk "BREAKING DAWN"..
eh..in another 2(max. 3) days..
den can go out n play again
haha..u shld understand me ba?..
engrossed in my nice nice story..
juz hope to finish it...
thx..love ya..!!!

dozing off at 11:07 PM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

he's HOT in a way...
haha..currently my NO. 1..?..
no la..
juz finding him CHARMING n MAN in e show sia.lol.

the vampine family..
in e pic i dun tink so.
but in e bk n movie?...YES!..
haha.but in this pic, dey kinda look like..
they've juz woke up?!..
Oppss...i 4gt..vampines dun slp..lol..

dozing off at 10:23 PM

Saturday, December 20, 2008

went to watch "TWILIGHT"..
it's realli quite nice lei..
haha..didn't feel bored at all..
coz it's a romance-cum-vampire show..
tink some parts r funny too..
coz at e beginning, e main character duno wad's L-O-V-E..
guess how he "declare" his love?..
by saying tt he juz feel PROTECTIVE of e gal..
haha..he oso say...
..he nv long for a human's blood so much...
e gal's blood is sweet to him wor..
...oya..gt this part where he told e gal (Bella) tt...
his family are V-E-G-E-T-A-R-I-A-N wor..
1st thing..tot of ANNA HO wor..
haha..1st time hear tt vampines are "vegeterians"..
it means tt dey dun suck human blood but juz animal blood..
heard tt e bk is nicer than e movie..
haha..aft e movie, i went ard to look 4 e bks la.
but at most bkstores, all dun hv e full set sia..
sad case la..suddenly gt e urge to read e whole set..
this set of stories gt 4 bks..:
1) Twilight..
2) The New Moon
3) Eclipse
4) Breaking Dawn..
my sis say tt in "breaking dawn"..
Edward (Robert Pattinson) died..duno true not sia..

omg..i've juz realised sth..
e main actor, Robert Pattinson (real name), gt act in one more movie sia..
guess wad?
he acted in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)"Starred as Cedric Diggory..
hee..but no impression of him at all lei..lol..

dozing off at 12:04 AM

Thursday, December 18, 2008

duno wad's wrong manx.
been quarrelling lately.
e prob seems to b lying w me alone, is tt so?
all humans are "fish-mongers" ba..
no one is perfect lo..
y does it always seem my FAULT..???
ya ya..u r ALWAYS RIGHT!!!

dozing off at 5:59 PM

Saturday, December 13, 2008

DROVE sihui home today!!!..
haha.1st time fetching a FRENZ in my car..
ANNA HO..u r e 1st..
haha..she oso say she scared sia...
but i ok lei..
but she was CHATTING w me thru e journey..
we had "breakfast/ lunch" tgt..
den i fetched her hm..
wa..she sat beside me..when i was driving..
MISS HO even ask.."can dun fasten e belt not?"..
*kabush..i had a hard time getting e licence sia..
dun "kill" my licence manx..haha..
but when she fastened e belt..
she realli look like a SMALL KID..
looking quite TINY..haha..
normally e belt shld b ard e chest..
but hers?...ard e neck..hee..
den we decided to drive past BL's HOUSE to take a look.
haha..she wad EXCITED when we drove past..
i still PURPOSELY SLOW DOWN to let her take a BETTER look..
lol..suddenly tink we realli all GROW UP le..
coz i'm DRIVING MISS ANNA HO hm...
actualli quite fun in a way..
but tink she's not quite used to it..
tink she's quite STRESSED ba?
coz 1st time sit a car driven by ME..LOL.
but i'm CALM lo..no accident at all wor..
she reached home SAFE AND SOUND..

dozing off at 5:02 PM

Thursday, December 11, 2008

went out w my sec. sch frenz ytd.
haha.went to this V8 cafe at bugis..
had this duno wad fried rice w grilled tiger prawn.
tink ok onli..
haha.but i prefer dessert.
we ordered tis strawberry cheeze cake n choco fudge cake..
nt bad though..
wa.somemore gt this cute waiter..
gif me e feel of derrick sia..
but ruoyi say he's like a "xiao di di"..
haha..but it's healthy to look at cute guys ma.
wa.den we went to bugis st tgt.
nth new to me.
haha.but it's belize's 1st time dere..
seems as if we brought a FOREIGNER to bugis st.
coz belize speaks ENGLISH throughout.
plus...she seems excited abt all e clothes n prices!
haha.plannin to go out w dem again..

oya..guess wad?..was juz told tt studyin at NIE nt bad sia.
it's a 4-year course.fully sponsored by MOE..
plus 1st 2 years...e govt will pay u $1,400 each month (pocket $)..
cool???!!!...juz needing to study yet getting "pocket $" from govt..
plus dere is CPF too..lol..
but i nw currently at RMIT a/c sia.
hopefully this 3.5 years can pass quickly..
aft grad, plannin to work 1-3 years.
den go NIE w ANNA HO..
den aft grad..needin to work for 4 yrs...
in e education industry 1st.
haha..den we'll set up a TUITION CENTRE tgt...
yeah..how exciting sia..looking forward to our FUTURE PLANS.

dozing off at 1:00 PM

Monday, December 08, 2008

haha.went tamp.
watch BOLT..
quite a funny movie..
lol.e doggie is real CUTE sia.
aft this movie, i feel like havin this white dog as a pet.
i wan a DOG as a PET..
dey r CUTE.lol..

this wk fully packed sia.
OMG...i'm meeting MISS ANNA HO..
for ard 3-4 times this wk..PRO BA?...
MON : watch BOLT.. (w MISS HO..)
TUES : sing K.. (w MISS HO...+ others)
WED : learn knitting...+ eat steamboat..
THURS : play mahjong..
FRI : watch "BEAST STALKER"... (w MISS HO)

dozing off at 9:06 PM

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Games at Miniclip.com - Adventure Elf
Adventure Elf

Help Oliver collect all the stolen loot and save Christmas.

Play this free game now!!

try this!

dozing off at 5:46 PM

went to e ZOO ytd...
went w 4 of my students n MISS ANNA HO..lol
haha..took a lot of animals pic.
gdness..realized tt e s'pore zoo gt a lot of...
MONKEYS(great varieties)...n SNAKES...
we saw this yellow snake in e glass display..
den greyish black snake..dey were long..
but guess wad?...
OMG..den we saw this SUPER BIG n LONG SNAKE!!!!...
everyone we saw it, went..."WA..."..
coz it's realli BIG..(haha..ltd vocab!)...
it's a PYTHON...nt onli e size scary..
we saw sth even MORE SCARY!..
the python had a WHITE RAT ALIVE in its mouth..
it bit in its mouth den duno y..snake's head turn here n dere..
movin closer to e glass panel..DISGUSTING!..
oya..we saw 3 WHITE TIGERS too..
one word to describe them..."MUSCULAR"!!!...
(felt intimidated)...
dere's one tt juz kept walking here n dere..
one of my students (wenpeng) even said..
"teacher...e tiger is trying to SHOW OFF..."...lol..

den we oso went to e RAINFOREST KIDS WORLD..
we went to have KFC FAMILY FEAST...
aft eating, all e kids went to play this WET PLAYGROUND..
similar to WILD WILD WET..gt e yakult thingy too..lol..
den sihui n me tot we were like MOTHERS..
bringing all kids out...
dey play water, we sit dere to enjoy our "COFFEE" n "TEA"...
wa..like TAI TAI sia..

but we REALIZED sth..
KIDS aren't easy to takka AT ALL..
quite ma fan sia..
coz when we entered the zoo,
in <30min,>
a bit e FAST ah?!?!?!?!...
den we had to look 4 trams for dem to sit..
ltr gt prob AGAIN..
"teacher, i'm HUNGRY le.."...
even though dey were munching PRINGLES in their MOUTH..
time to look for KFC..haix..
another prob...
"teacher..i need to go to e TOILET..."
time tto look for TOILET..
"teacher..i'm thirsty..i want to drink water..."..
at e end of e day...
i'm realli DEADBEAT..
haha..den i let MISS HO settle e rest...
toking abt MISS HO..
she's realli "CUTE" sia..
being a TEACHER,
TOT tt she'll help me to look aft e kids..
but GUESS WAD?!?!...
haha...dere were times when she juz walked in front ..
4getting tt dere were still kids ard to help takka..
haha..like a small little kid?!?!?!..
this TEACHER is "CUTE" ba?...
haha..at least she came...
coz i at e end of e day...
playing w dem on e way back...
haha..thx ah.. MISS HO.lol.

dozing off at 2:07 PM

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

i'm bored..
idling around in e hse..
haha..disturbin everyone in e hse..
count down...
2 days more..
to e zoo..
here i come!

dozing off at 1:02 PM

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

w/o anything to do nw.
feeling quite bored.
but w my hair so "CUTE"..
dun dare n dun feel like stepping out of this hse.
can't wait 4 my fringe to grow back manx..
hmm...feeling quite RESTLESS..
stoning in bed e whole day..
life is realli quite BORING!!!..
i'm either watching tv, eating, slping..
or surfing e net...
slacking here n dere..
tink i'd beta do sth abt my LIFE.!
if nt i'll become an INVERTEBRATE le ah..lol..
tink i'm used to working n working n working..
when i'm real busy w work, i'd longed for some rest..
but now...i juz feel like DOING ANYTHING!..
someone...FILL my LIFE up ba!..lol

dozing off at 4:11 PM

Monday, December 01, 2008

quite a few things happened these few days..

1) latest update: I'VE LOST MY JOB...

hey.nt coz i'm fired..but coz i've RESIGNED..
this took place on SUN...
it's all this NEW TEACHER n e PRINCIPAL's fault.
this tuition ctr realli WENT OVERBOARD.
aft my lesson ytd, one of e nice teacher in-charge..
told me tt ALL my hol LESSONS are CANCELLED.
which would be REPLACED by a NEW FULL-TIME TEACHER..
wad the FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
leaving me w onli a FEW PATHETIC CLASSES...
wa lau...this is how they TREAT me la..
this is realli saddening..making me cry on sun when i reached hm...haiz..
when they are IN NEED of teacher, i WORKED 7DAYS A WEEK for dem..
dey oso have SAID to let me n my sis take over ALL THE HOL LESSONS.
but NOW....KICKING ME n MY SIS aside..
when we have done NTH WRONG...!!!!!!!!
i was realli ANGRY n SAD by e way tt dey treat me manx..
(suddenly feel tt i'm quite FRAGILE..cries easily...)..
wad the FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!...
den MY SIS N I QUIT straightaway...
wa..den dey still hv e cheek to request me to work till end of DEC.
it's oso not as if e pay is SUPER HIGH or wad la..
but juz tt i'm quite HAPPY w e environment n my studs..
so i dun mind other factors la..but NOW????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2) latest update: I'VE CHANGED INTO A NEW HAIR..

suddenly lost quite a bit of confidence in myself today.
try not to tink of e fact tt i lost a job le..
so went to e salon...
spent >4h dere..
for rebonding n cutting of hair..
end up in a state which i felt realli PATHETIC.
initially aft my REBOND, dey juz dun realli bother cutting my fringe..
my other 2 sis hair realli look much beta aft e make over..
EXCEPT me.!!!!!!!!
i hv tried asking e hairdressor to cut my fringe to b e same as my youngest sis..
but she REFUSED..
still saying like...
"it does not mean that YOU WANT means YOU WANT!...
you've gt to c whether u r SUITABLE nt!"
wa.den i was a bit angry but NTH cld b done..
so i idle ard e salon..waiting 4 my sis...
when my mama came, she COMPLAINED abt my hair..
coz aft spendin $100++ n >4h dere...
she dun c any changes in my hair at all..
den e hairdressor BO BIAN..
try to cut my fringe..
BUT it was a DISASTER.
nw i look like an IDIOT..
w a fringe tt duno look like wad..
w hair tt dun realli look super straight..
realli spoilt my mood...
this makes me SWEAR tt i WON'T EVA GO TO TT SALON AGAIN!!!
wa lau..duno y sia...
realli down on my luck these days...*argh..
can't gd things befall on me..??????
i'm nv gg to step out of e hse until this FRI...
where i wld go to e ZOO w sihui n my studs.
hopefully everything wld go SMOOTHLY..

3) parking of car juz now...

when i came hm juz nw,
i tried parking my car into a lot...
but it took me some time..
since i realli dun like parking..
wa..den I'm alrdy quite pissed w myself for being so LOUSY..
den my 2 SIS were even LAUGHING LOUDLY at me in e car..
this realli INFURIATED ME...
*argh...i was so pissed w dem n MYSELF..
tt i juz "throw" e car aside..
n i juz walked off..
i'm realli IRRITATED..
nth is gg smoothly for me...Y?>>>
i'm starting to feel IRRITATED w myself..


frankly speaking...
it's realli nv an easy task to be handling many things at one time..
ESP. A "CAREER WOMAN"...i pei fu sia...

dozing off at 11:43 PM

name: adeline
19.but single.;p
got into uni.but life isn't easy
