Thursday, March 05, 2009

tink i'm missing out sth?!..
haha..1mth nv blog le..
been busy w my mid-term test..
gdness..finally can slack a bit le..
next tues onli left w econs test..
shldn't b a prob..
i veri long nv shop shop le..
oya..today i went tamp w my mama 4 lunch..
dere's this food junction sort near e int..
gdness.e tom yam mee hoon kuay dere SUCKS!!!..
dun even taste like TOM YAM at all lo..
taste more like MEE SIAM w a lot of LIME!!>.
SUPER not worth it la..
e soup is real SOUR..not spicy..
e soup is nOT THICK..
e mee hoon kuay= e super thin de zhu chang fen..
biang..i juz ate half of it den sianz le..
not much ingredients too..
onli gt a few pieces of fish, 1 pathetic prawn,
1 piece of tomato (shldn't b found in tom yam ba?!)...
a few pieces of vegetable..
super pathetic..
so far is e worst TOM YAM (dun even taste like it AT ALL)..
pls dun go waste ur money on tt stall..
heard frm this uncle cleaner dere..
tt e stall gt ppl complain, say tt it doesn't taste like tom yam at all..
but dey still con't to sell la..
gdness..ms ho...dun go buy hor..u sure REGRET ah!

dozing off at 8:30 PM

name: adeline
19.but single.;p
got into uni.but life isn't easy
