Monday, April 20, 2009

super pissed!!!!!!
all e SHITS!!!!...
*argh..all the OLD MEN ARE NTH BUT TROUBLE..
wa lau..juz nw i was driving..at a junction..
stuck at red light..in a lane tt can turn right or go striaght (both oso can!)
but i DID NOT signal RIGHT..
den when green light, i wana go straight..
wa lau..he juz came over frm my right side of my car...
with his BIKE-CYCLE (HELLO...it's a BICYCLE lei..NOT MOTORBIKE lei)..
if i had nt been more alert... (not trying to promote myself..! )
he sure FLY ACROSS the JUNCTION le la..
coz i gt e habit of steppin e accelerator hard..den e car will speed off..
he's nth but TROUBLE la..den dere goes my LICENCE!!!! ..
PLUS sure get into BIG BIG BIG TROUBLE...
i love my LICENCE!!! ;p

sianz..den when i reached the carpark, rdy to park my car..
dere's THIS OLD LORRY driven by an OLD MAN!!!!...
he was trying reverse..BUT...no need to check if dere is car behind him!!!
hello..MY CAR was juz directly behind that STUPID OLD LORRY la...
if he simply juz reverse..my youngest sis SURE JIA LAT..directly BEHIND!..
i dun tink i'm at fault 4 these 2 cases???!!!

dozing off at 4:45 PM

went to do some ultra-sound scan at a clinic at boon keng today..
gdness...it took me 1h b4 everything was completed..
sianz...i had e appointment at 10.30am de lo..
but coz my bladder not full enough..
so wan me to drink lots of water..
guess wad?
i drank 6 cups of water + 1 bottle of 100plus all at one go la.
super bloated at e end of e session..
wa..aft i feel tt my bladder is full, i still needa wait 4 a person tt is in e rm..
cannt tahan sia..but not allowed to go toilet!!!
predicting tt my bladder gg to BURST!!!...
chiong to e toilet aft tt..lol
haha..went to e toilet at e clinic..
den straightaway when at e MRT, looking 4 TOILET again!!!...

muz reward myself a bit sia..
haha..got a cup of Cappuccino frm McCafe..
still ok onli lei.
any recommendations???...
ice blended???
craving 4 coffee lately..

lol.drank this coffee frm COFFEE BEAN wks ago..
not bad sia..it's WHITE CHOCOLATE COFFEE or sth..
quench ur thirst sia..haha..
but still tink my vanilla de nicer wor!...
vanilla seems nicer huh?
*raise ur hand to vote 4 VANILLA!!!..
Been trying to study..study.. study..
but tink Anna Ho seems more hardworking than me sia..
lol..gif me e feelin tt she's REAL BUSY!..
duno wad's ting busy with? Clara? amelia?

dozing off at 2:27 PM

name: adeline
19.but single.;p
got into uni.but life isn't easy
