Sunday, July 05, 2009

woke up at 8plus..
nth to do..
went to make this MILK PUDDING..
simply n easy!.
juz needa brown 40g of sugar (w a little water on it) in e oven..
den next juz mix 200cc milk, 50g sugar n 2 eggs.
"filter" the milk mixture den pour it into e container containing e brown sugar.
put back into e oven n heat till it is not liquid..
leave it to cool down..
aft a few hours, put into e fridge.
ltr can eat le..try it out peeps!

..today's a SATURDAY!.
great day for SHOPPING SPREE!..
suppose to meet anna at 10plus
but she was free at 9plus le.
rushed out to meet her 4 my BIG BREAKFAST..yummy!
but b4 i even sat down, i spilled e milo over my clothes!
how "lucky" (or even clumsy) i was...haix
went hm to change.anna came to my hse.1st time sia.
haha.den she went to play w my daughter (dog)..
tink she was more concerned abt e dog lickin her..
or mebe she's kinda scared of my doggy..
she said tt she looked fierce!..but seriously, she's not!..lol..
went to watch TRANSFORMER 2..
not bad..haha..gt quite a bit of climax..
den 2 timid gals were "screaming"..
or mebe i was e onli one?!..

went shoppin aft tt..
bought lots of stuff..
all usin e credit cards to bill..
OMG..fyi, i'm not workin..no income!..
1) masks from FaceShop.. (STOREWIDE SALE..20% off)
2) orange nail polish..FaceShop..
3) a pair of heels frm DmK.. (no sale..kinda x..)
actualli i oso like another pair.
n it looks gd on me.
but i'm scared of blisters growin at e back of my feet..
say bye bye to tt shoe den.
4) clothes frm Cotton-On..
total bill for me n anna was like $65.00...
5) shades frm Cotton-On..
Anna had a pair too..
Hmm..mine look more like beetle's eyes?!
it realli looks weird when anna puts mine on..beetle's eyes?!
Anna's kinda special!..a bit purpuish black!...

wa..so shiok today sia..
tink shoppin is realli woman's HOBBY..
spent a lot today..
Anna too..haha..
but we r BOTH HAPPY!..

P.S.: Anna..go out for more SHOPPIN SPREE..
tink u enjoy as much as i do today huh?
buying things here n dere..
choosin n tryin on clothes!!!
we can hv more of this sort lo..
BUT..be my financial support manx!..

*mebe anna n i needa find a rich n capable hubby in time to come, to support our "HOBBY"..lol

dozing off at 12:39 AM

name: adeline
19.but single.;p
got into uni.but life isn't easy
